Hisarlar was established in 1974 as a family company. It is a large organization that operates with 700+ people in three factory areas of 148.000 m² in total, adding value to Turkey with its corporate structure and "product-management-production" forms certified according to internationally known standard requirements.
As Turkey's first tractor cab manufacturer, the first tillage agricultural machine, the first 4x4 vehicle manufacturer, Hisarlar has become a brand as an important OEM manufacturer that performs precision productions such as chassis, body and other welded joining parts for important construction machinery brands, equipment manufacturers, defense industry and rail system manufacturers that have made a name for themselves in the global market by concentrating their years of increasing experience and capabilities on heavy metal processing.
At the same time, Hisarlar continues to design and implement innovative and value-added products in the field of agricultural mechanization in a way that will address all stages of agriculture in the field of agricultural mechanization by having Turkey's first agricultural machinery R&D Center, which it has developed with its own design and production capabilities in the Agricultural Machinery sector since 1985.
To position ourselves at the optimum point on the value chain with our superior quality products..
To meet the needs of our customers and stakeholders with our high-tech production and strong organizational competence, to ensure sustainability in stakeholder satisfaction with our development aiming at operational excellence.
Our belief in delivering what we promised on time
Our belief in the power of quality and design
Our belief in the power and potential that comes from working together
Our belief in team-oriented work and innovation

Dear Stakeholders and Employees,
As a company that always raises the bar, we are walking resolutely towards great goals with our courageous breakthroughs in the field of agricultural machinery and OEM manufacturer, where we have been the sector leader since 1974, with our responsibility towards our country and our passion for our work. Under the guidance of our values, we proudly represent our country all over the world today, with our strong and innovative production approach, and with our valuable employees, each one more valuable than the other. We overcome all challenging targets and crown our efforts with successful results.
We have many strategic goals that excite us very much, such as focusing on innovation, spreading digital transformation, becoming the world's largest player in OEM production services and making Turkey one of the important OEM production bases of the world, and increasing employment with our new investments.
By adopting a customer-oriented approach, with our goal of becoming the preferred business partner of our customers, we continuously invest in improving our production and R&D competencies and expand our fields of activity to grow together with our customers. As Turkey's first agricultural machinery R&D Center, we continue to develop sustainable solutions with digitalization, technology and R&D in today's conditions and to carry out our operations in a way that creates positive value for our stakeholders.
With the commissioning of our new high-tech factory, which we started production by completing the investment, we will get closer to our targets and further strengthen our leadership in the OEM manufacturers sector and our position in international markets.
Taking into account the environmental and societal impacts of all our operations, products and services; We believe that investing in environmental sustainability projects in the fields of combating climate change, sustainable energy, efficient use of natural resources, reduction and evaluation of waste, and biodiversity is our greatest responsibility towards future generations.
As we have been doing since the day we were founded as HİSARLAR, we will be a group that promises hope for our country, inspires our people and offers technology to the service of society as an element that carries human life forward. With our unlimited imagination, courage, entrepreneurship, competence and innovation that make us who we are, we will move forward with the goal of becoming a global leading company shaping the smart world of the future.
To all our stakeholders accompanying HİSARLAR's growth journey; I would like to thank HİSARLAR employees who contribute with their labor, dedication and dedication, who are the driving force of our journey, and our business partners, customers and suppliers who are always with us with their support. In the coming period, with their support, we will continue to transform, develop and achieve new successes in a more agile way by focusing on sustainability, technology and innovation.
Sedat ARI
General Manager/CEO